Winter Week Day Turf 2024-2025 FUNdamentals – Session 1



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Winter Week Day Turf 2024-2025 FUNdamentals – Session 1 

No experience needed.

Time: 4-5pm


Tuesday’s for Kindergarten: (12/3, 12/10, 12/17, 1/7, 1/14)

MAYHEM Athletic Center (MAC) – Indoor Turf
1032 Conshohocken Road, Conshohocken, PA 19428

Price: $225 per athlete

Equipment Required: Outdoor Field Hockey stick, mouth guard, shin guards.
**Each athlete receives a MAYHEM t-shirt.

Week 1 – Dribbling & elimination skills
Week 2 – Passing and receiving
Week 3 – Offense
Week 4- Defense
Week 5 – Structure and game play

Additional information

Winter Turf FUN

Tuesday's for Kindergarten